Virtual Machines
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The Broken Web Applications (BWA) Project produces a Virtual Machine running a variety of applications with known vulnerabilities for those interested in:

  • learning about web application security
  • testing manual assessment techniques
  • testing automated tools
  • testing source code analysis tools
  • observing web attacks
  • testing WAFs and similar code technologies

all the while saving people interested in doing either learning or testing the pain of having to compile, configure, and catalog all of the things normally involved in doing this process from scratch.


Release notes for the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Broken Web Applications Project, a collection of vulnerable web applications that is distributed on a Virtual Machine in VMware format compatible with their no-cost and commercial VMware products.

More information about the project can be found at

The VM can be downloaded as a .zip file or as a much smaller .7z 7-zip Archive. BOTH FILES CONTAIN THE EXACT SAME VM! We recommend that you download the .7z archive if possible to save bandwidth (and time). 7-zip is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and other Operating Systems.

!!! This VM has many serious security issues. We strongly recommend that you run it only on the "host only" or "NAT" network in the virtual machine settings !!!

Version 1.2 - 2015-08-03

  • Updated Mutillidae
  • Other miscellaneous, minor updates

Version 1.2rc1 - 2015-06-24

  • Updated Mutillidae and WAVSEP
  • Removed IP address restrictions on Mutillidae
  • Added script to rebuild WAVSEP
  • Added bWAPP application and script to automatically update bWAPP
  • Added OWASP Security Shepherd application and supporting scripts.
  • Likely updated other applications

Version 1.1.1 - 2013-09-27

  • Updated Mutillidae and transitioned to use its new Git repository
  • Fixed issue with Tomcat not starting in some circumstances

Version 1.1 - 2013-07-30

  • Updated Mutillidae, Cyclone, and WAVSEP
  • Updated OWASP Bricks and configured it to pull from SVN
  • Fixed ModSecurity CRS blocking and rebuilt ModSecurity to include Lua support
  • Increased VM's RAM allocation to 1Gb
  • Set Tomcat to run as root (to allow some traversal issues tested by WAVSEP)
  • Updated landing page for OWASP 1-Liner to reflect that the application is not fully functional

Version 1.1beta1 - 2013-07-10

  • Added new applications: OWASP 1-liner, OWASP RailsGoat, OWASP Bricks, SpiderLabs "Magical Code Injection Rainbow", Cyclone
  • Updated Mutillidae (name, version, and to use new SVN repository)
  • Updated DVWA to new Git repository
  • Added SSL support to web server
  • Updated ModSecurity and updated Core Rule Set to current in Git
  • Known issues:
  • ModSecurity CRS blocking does not work
  • OWASP 1-liner application appears to have functional issues (it was heavily modified to run on the VM through Apache)
  • Other new applications have not been fully tested
  • User Guide has not been updated

Version 1.0 - 2012-07-24

  • Added new application: WIVET (
  • Updated WAVSEP, Mutillidae, Vicnum
  • Created new category for "Applications for Testing Tools", containing OWASP ZAP WAVE, WIVET, and WAVSEP
  • Major update to User Guide at Removed some other project Wiki pages that were incorporated into User Guide.
  • More improvements to index.html

Version 1.0rc2 - 2012-07-14

  • Added new application: WAVSEP (
  • Updated WebGoat.NET, WebGoat (Java), and other applications from source repositories. Updated Mutillidae.
  • Removed links to OWASP ESAPI SwingSet (non-Interactive). That application has been deprecated and replaced by the SwingSet Interactive.
  • Changed version numbers in index.html to better indicate applications that are updated from public SVN or GIT repositories.
  • Layout improvements to index.html file (layout could still use some work).
  • Fixed bugs in Yazd (may have been present in 1.0rc1 or before)
  • Changes MySQL configuration to store database and table names as lower case (facilitates use of software written on Windows that may not strictly adhere to one case for identifiers)

Version 1.0rc1 - 2012-04-04

  • Added new applications:
  • Added OWASP WebGoat.NET (
  • Added OWASP ESAPI SwingSet (
  • Added OWASP ESAPI SwingSet Interactive (
  • Added Jotto (from OWASP Vicnum project -
  • Updated applications: Mutillidae, WebGoat (Java), ModSecurity, ModSecurity Core Rule Set, BodgeIt, OWASP ZAP WAVE, Damn Vulnerable Web Application, WackoPicko
  • Added owaspbwa-* scripts to build and deploy applications from source (WebGoat, Yazd, CSRFGuard Test Apps, SwingSet Apps)
  • Added owaspbwa-update-*.sh scripts to automatically pull updates from source repositories (OWASP BWA only and for all applications)
  • Cleaned up installations of WebGoat and Yazd
  • Fixed issue with PHP configuration to allow Remote File Include (RFI) vulnerabilities.
  • Created User Guide at (not yet complete).

Version 0.94 - 2011-07-24

  • No changes from 0.94rc3.

Version 0.94rc3 - 2011-07-14

  • More fixes to hackxor applications (thanks again to Albino Wax).

Version 0.94rc2 - 2011-07-13

  • Fixes to hackxor applications (thanks to Albino Wax for fixes).

Version 0.94rc1 - 2011-07-11

  • Added a number of new applications, including Gruyere, Hackxor, WackoPicko, BodgeIt, TikiWiki, Joomla, Gallery2, WebCalendar, AWStats, and ZAP-Wave (thanks to Mike Cyr for lots of work in this area).
  • New and improved "home" page in the VM (thanks again to Mike Cyr).

Version 0.93rc1 - 2011-01-19

  • Rebuilt OrangeHRM database to fix login issue (thanks to Dave van Stein for reporting this)
  • Configured mod_proxy on Apache web server to reverse proxy applications running on Tomcat web server. Disabled direct access to Tomcat server
  • Installed ModSecurity to 2.5.13 from source (needed by Core Rule Set)
  • Configured the ModSecurity Core Rule Set. It is disabled by default, but can be enabled through the use of new shell scripts in /usr/local/bin
  • Adjusted Samba shares to follow symlinks
  • Removed some miscellaneous old / duplicate files
  • Attempted to fix phpBB issues, but was unsuccessful. That application is broken for this release and marked as such in the index.html file (thanks to Dave van Stein for reporting this issue)

Version 0.92rc2 - 2010-11-15

  • Fixed bug with MySQL databases not starting properly (thanks to Tom Neaves for reporting this)

Version 0.92rc1 - 2010-11-10

  • Developed method for tracking known issues in the applications at
  • Updated base OS to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
  • Updated DVWA to SVN version > 1.07
  • Updated Mutillidae to version 1.5
  • Updated WebGoat to SVN version > 5.3
  • Added and configured three "real" applications suggested by Matt Tesauro:
  • Added application: GetBoo version 1.04 (
  • Added application: GTD-PHP version 0.7 (
  • Added application: OrangeHRM version 2.4.2 (
  • Fixed bug in DVWA database permissions that was preventing stored XSS from working (thanks to Owen Wright for reporting this)

Version 0.91rc1 - 2010-03-24

  • Updated OWASP Vicnum to version 1.4 (
  • Added application: Ghost (
  • Added application: Peruggia version 1.2 (
  • Added application: OWASP AppSensor Demo (
  • Fixed bug where VM would sometimes not get an address from DHCP on boot
  • Fixed bug where PHP magic quotes were enabled for some applications, preventing SQL Injection
  • Changed password for some applications to match standard users named 'admin' and 'user' with the password the same as the username
  • Moved databases, applications that run on Apache web server, some configuration files, and some applications that run on Tomcat web server into SVN with symlinks to the SVN directory in the normal file system.
  • Fixed bug in where permissions on /var/www/dvwa were not set properly (thanks to Dale Castle for reporting this)

Version 0.9 - 2009-11-11

  • Initial Release

During my SQL Injection learning journey I needed a vulnerable web application for practice.

I created a WebApp vulnerable to SQL Injection for my personal use, The result was an extremely vulnerable web site which I could test some SQLi techniques against MySQL.

I must confess, I am not a programmer and I have never coded in PHP before, I thought it would be a good practice to develop a PHP based site from scratch in order to learn the basic of PHP and MySQL. Vulnerable Web app designed as a learning platform to test various SQL injection Techniques and it is a fully functional web site with a content management system based on fckeditor.

I thought some of you may find it useful so i decided to share it via a SourceForge project page i created for it at :

Read Me First

Please notice! this web app is extremely vulnerable to SQLi attack and its poorly coded and configured intentionally.

It is not recommended to use this WebApp as live site on the net neither set it up on your local machine with access to it from the web.

Please use it in your internal LAN only, Set it up in a virtual environment such as VMware or Virtual Box.

This is a fully functional web site with a content management system based on fckeditor.

I hope you will find this web app useful in your SQLi and web app security studies or demonstrations.

General Information

Visit the Vulnerable Web Site by browsing to its IP address

Admin interface can be found at: http://localhost/admin

Username: admin

Password: P@ssw0rd

Database Name: exploit

Database contains 8 tables:

articles authors category downloads links members news videos I have only tested the web app for SQLi, but i am sure you will find some more interesting vulnerabilities

Please try to avoid using automated tools to find the vulnerabilities and try doing it manually

Feel free to discuss this web app by visiting and commenting on the relevant post.

You can send solutions, videos and ideas to shai[at] and i will post them on my blog.

Good Luck!



Welcome to is dedicated to helping you understand how hackers prey on Web application vulnerabilities, and to showing you how to reduce your exposure. Our Badstore demonstration software is designed to show you common hacking techniques.


v1.0 – Original version for 2004 RSA Show

v1.1 – Added:

  • More supported NICs.

  • Referrer checking for Supplier Upload.

  • badstore.old in /cgi-bin/

  • Select icons added to the /icons/ directory.

v1.2 – Version presented at CSI 2004


  • Full implementation of MySQL.

  • JavaScript Redirect in index.html.

  • JavaScript validation of a couple key fields.

  • My Account services, password reset and recovery.

  • Numerous cosmetic updates.

  • 'Scanbot Killer' directory structure to detect scanners.

  • favicon.ico.

  • Reset files and databases to original state without reboot.

  • Dynamic dates and times in databases.

  • Additional attack possibilities.

Source: BadStore_Manual.pdf
