This is my first boot2root machine. It's begginer-intermediate level.
It's been tested in VBox and VMware and seems to work without issues in both.
A tip, anything can be a vector, really think things through here based on how the machine works. Make a wrong move though and some stuff gets moved around and makes the machine more difficult!
This is part one in a two part series. I was inspired by several vms I found on vulnhub and added a bit of a twist to the machine.
Good luck and I hope you guys enjoy!
This is my first CTF/Vulnerable VM ever. I created it both for educational purposes and so people can have a little fun testing their skills in a legal, pentest lab environment.
Some notes before you download!
This is a Boot2Root machine. The goal is for you to attempt to attempt to gain root privileges in the VM. Do not try to get the root flag through a recovery iso etc, this is essentially cheating! The idea is to get through by pretending this machine is being attacked over a network with no physical access.
I themed this machine to make it feel a bit more realistic. You are breaking into a fictional characters server (named Wallaby) and trying to gain root without him noticing, or else the difficulty level will increase if you make the wrong move! Good luck and I hope you guys enjoy!