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C0m80 Boot2Root


This is my third public Boot2Root, This one is intended to be quite difficult compared to the last two.

But again, that being said, it will depend on you how hard it is :D

The theme with this one is all about 'enumeration, enumeration, enumeration', lateral thinking, and how to "combine" vulnerabilities in order to exploit a system.

Important Note

Once you have an IP insert it into your attack system /etc/hosts like this:

[dhcp-ip-address] C0m80.ctf

This VM will probably be different to other challenges you may have come across. With C0m80 You will be required to log in locally in the VirtualBox console window at some point. This, I know, may 'rile' some of the purists out there that say you should be able to compromise a boot2root fully remotely over a network. I agree to that in principle, and in this case I had intended to allow vnc or xrdp access. Alas, due to compatibility problems I had to make a compromise in this area in order to get the challenge published sooner rather than later.

It should be obvious at what point you need to log in. So when that time comes just pretend you are using remote desktop. ;D

Sorry, I hope you can forgive me.

Difficulty Rating

[Difficult] but depends on you really


There is only one goal here. Become God on the system and read the root flag.

I Hope You Enjoy It.

Download Link


  • File: C0m80_3mrgnc3-v1.0.ova
  • OS: WondawsXP ;D
  • VM Type: VirtualBox
  • IP Address: DHCP
  • Size: 2.7 GB


Please leave feedback and comments below. Including any info on walkthroughs anyone wishes to publish, or bugs people find in the VM Image.

Alternatively email me at 3mrgnc3 at techie dot com



Hash: SHA512

Welcome to

  ___           _            ___          _
 |   \ ___ _ _ | |_____ _  _|   \ ___  __| |_____ _ _
 | |) / _ \ ' \| / / -_) || | |) / _ \/ _| / / -_) '_|
 |___/\___/_||_|_\_\___|\_, |___/\___/\__|_\_\___|_|
                             Made with <3 v.1.0 - 2017

This is my first boot2root - CTF VM. I hope you enjoy it. if you run into any issue you can find me on Twitter: @dhn_ or feel free to write me a mail to:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • GPG key: 0x2641123C
  • GPG fingerprint: 4E3444A11BB780F84B58E8ABA8DD99472641123C

Level: I think the level of this boot2root challange is hard or intermediate.

Try harder!: If you are confused or frustrated don't forget that enumeration is the key!

Thanks: Special thanks to @1nternaut for the awesome CTF VM name!

Feedback: This is my first boot2root - CTF VM, please give me feedback on how to improve!

Tested: This VM was tested with:

  • VMware Workstation 12 Pro
  • VMware Workstation 12 Player
  • VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5

Networking: DHCP service: Enabled

IP address: Automatically assign


77439cb457a03d554bec78303dc42e5d3074ff85  DonkeyDocker-disk1.vmdk
7013d6a7c151332c99c0e96d34b812e0e7ce3d57  DonkeyDocker.ovf

Looking forward to the write-ups!


Version: GnuPG v1


Welcome to another boot2root / CTF this one is called Analougepond. The VM is set to grab a DHCP lease on boot. I've tried to mix things up a little on this one, and have used the feedback from #vulnhub to make this VM a little more challenging (I hope).

Since you're not a Teuchter, I'll offer some hints to you:

Remember TCP is not the only protocol on the Internet My challenges are never finished with root. I make you work for the flags. The intended route is NOT to use forensics or 0-days, I will not complain either way.

To consider this VM complete, you need to have obtained:

  • Troll Flag: where you normally look for them
  • Flag 1: You have it when you book Jennifer tickets to Paris on Pan Am.
  • Flag 2: It will include a final challenge to confirm you hit the jackpot.
  • Have root everywhere (this will make sense once you're in the VM)
  • User passwords
  • 2 VNC passwords

Best of luck! If you get stuck, eat some EXTRABACON

NB: Please allow 5-10 minutes or so from powering on the VM for background tasks to run before proceeding to attack.


  • v0.1b - Initial Version
  • v01.c - Fixes for flags based on feedback from mrB3n
  • v0.1d - Fixes based on shortcut to intended route
  • v0.2a - Fixes and clean up of disks for smaller OVA export
  • v0.2b - Small edit to remove copy of flag in wrong folder

SHA1SUM: D75AA2405E2DFB30C1470358EFD0767A10CF1EB1 analoguepond-0.2b.ova

Many thanks to mrB3n, Rand0mByteZ and kevinnz for testing this CTF.

A special thank you to g0tmi1k for hosting all these challenges and offering advice. A tip of the hat to mrb3n for his recent assistence.
