Setting Up A Local Lab


After setting up the hardware and the layout of the lab, it's time to start filling it up with software, giving the lab some functionality. A few areas which you might want inside the lab are:

Virtualizing software

There are many different products (see hardware for a short list) out there which can fit your need. However, for the rest of this page it will only cover "Virtualbox" & "VMware Fusion/Player/Workstation" (there is too much to cover at the moment, however, later on, this guide will be updated to include 'ESXi'). The reason why these solutions were chosen is because they are a great way to get used to virtualizing as they are cross platform, good support and a mixture of commercial & freeware.
  • Virtualbox
  • VMware Fusion
  • VMware Player
  • VMware Workstation
The following subjects will be covered in our virtual tour:

Adding network interfaces


  1. Power off the machine (Make sure its not suspended).
  2. <Machine> --> Settings
  3. Network --> Adapter #
  4. Tick: 'Enable Network Adapter' --> Select 'Attached to' mode
networkadd_vbox-1.png network_vbox-1.png

VMware Fusion

  1. Power off the machine (Make sure its not suspended).
  2. <Machine> --> Settings
  3. Add Device --> Network Adapter
  4. Enable: 'Enable Network Adapter' --> Select network mode
networkadd_vmf-1.png networkadd_vmf-1.png networkadd_vmf-3.png networkadd_vmf-4.png

VMware Player

  1. Power off the machine (Make sure its not suspended).
  2. <Machine> --> Edit virtual machine settings
  3. Add --> 'Yes' to UAC if its enabled --> Network Adapter --> Next --> Select network mode --> Finish --> Ok
networkadd_vmp-1.png networkadd_vmp-1.png networkadd_vmp-3.png

VMware Workstation

  1. Power off the machine (Make sure its not suspended).
  2. <Machine> --> Edit virtual machine settings
  3. Add --> 'Yes' to UAC if its enabled --> Network Adapter --> Next --> Select network mode --> Finish --> Ok
networkadd_vmw-1.png networkadd_vmw-1.png networkadd_vmw-3.png

Changing network modes


  1. Right click: 'Network icon' --> Network Adapters...
  2. Tick: 'Enable Network Adapter' --> Select 'Attached to' mode
networkadd_vbox-4.png network_vbox-2.png networkadd_vbox-3.png

VMware Fusion

  • 'Network icon' --> Network modes
  1. <Machine> --> Settings
  2. Network Adapter #
  3. Enable: 'Enable Network Adapter' --> Select network mode
network_vmf-2.png network_vmf-1.png

VMware Player

  1. Right click: 'Network icon' --> Settings...
  2. Select network mode --> Ok
networkadd_vmp-4.png network_vmp.png

VMware Workstation

  1. Right click: 'Network icon' --> Settings...
  2. Select network mode --> Ok
networkadd_vmw-4.png networkadd_vmw-5.png network_vmw.png



  1. Power off the machine (Make sure its not suspended).
  2. <Machine> --> Right click: 'Clone'
  3. Clone Name --> Clone type
  4. Wait
clone_vbox-1.png clone_vbox-2.png clone_vbox-3.png clone_vbox-4.png clone_vbox-5.png

VMware Fusion

Doesn't have this feature 'built-in', however, we will do it manually
  1. Power off the machine (Make sure its not suspended).
  2. <Machine> --> Right click: 'Show in Finder'
  3. Select: '<Machine name>.vmwarev' --> Edit-> Copy <Machine name>.vmwarevm
  4. Edit --> <Machine name>.vmwarevm --> Paste Item
  5. Wait
  6. VMware Fusion --> Import
  7. I copied it
clone_vmf-1.png clone_vmf-3.png clone_vmf-4.png clone_vmf-6.png clone_vmf-7.png clone_vmf-8.png clone_vmf-9.png

VMware Player

Doesn't have this feature 'built-in', however, we will do it manually
  1. Power off the machine (Make sure its not suspended).
  2. <Machine> --> Edit virtual machine settings
  3. Options --> Working directory --> Select all & copy
  4. Win + R --> Paste --> Ok
  5. Explorer --> Select: '<Machine name>' --> Edit --> Copy
  6. Explorer --> Edit --> Paste
  7. Wait
  8. VMware Player --> Open a Virtual Machine --> <Clone folder> --> <Machine name>
  9. Play virtual machine --> I copied it
clone_vmp-1.png clone_vmp-2.png clone_vmp-3.png clone_vmp-4.png clone_vmp-5.png clone_vmp-6.png clone_vmp-7.png

VMware Workstation

  1. Power off the machine (Make sure its not suspended).
  2. <Machine> --> Right click: 'Manage' --> Clone
  3. Next --> Select: 'The current state in the virtual machine' --> 'Create a full clone' --> Name & Location -->
  4. Edit --> <Machine name>.vmwarevm --> Paste Item
  5. Wait
  6. Close
clone_vmw-1.png clone_vmw-2.png clone_vmw-3.png clone_vmw-4.png clone_vmw-5.png clone_vmw-6.png clone_vmw-7.png clone_vmw-8.png

Drag 'n' Drop


The guest OS needs to have 'Guest Additions' installed (Devices --> Install Guest Additions --> Restart)
  1. <Machine> --> Settings
  2. General --> Advanced --> Drag'n'Drop: 'Bidirectional --> Ok
  3. Select a file(s)/folder(s) --> Click & hold down --> drag into/out of the virtual machine --> Release mouse
dragdrop_vbox-1.png dragdrop_vbox-2.png

VMware Fusion

The guest OS needs to have 'VM Tools' installed (Virtual Machine --> Install VM Tools --> Restart)
  • Select a file(s)/folder(s) --> Click & hold down --> drag into/out of the virtual machine --> Release mouse
dragdrop_vmf-1.png dragdrop_vmf-2.png dragdrop_vmf-3png

VMware Player

The guest OS needs to have 'VM Tools' installed (Player --> Manage --> Install VM Tools --> Restart)
  • Select a file(s)/folder(s) --> Click & hold down --> drag into/out of the virtual machine --> Release mouse
dragdrop_vmp-1.png dragdrop_vmp-2.png dragdrop_vmp-3.png

VMware Workstation

The guest OS needs to have 'VM Tools' installed (VM --> Install VM Tools --> Restart)
  • Select a file(s)/folder(s) --> Click & hold down --> drag into/out of the virtual machine --> Release mouse
dragdrop_vmw-1.png dragdrop_vmw-2.png dragdrop_vmw-3.png



  1. <Machine name> --> Right click: Group
  2. New group --> Right click: Rename group --> <value>
group_vbox-1.png group_vbox-2.png group_vbox-3.png

VMware Fusion

  1. <Virtual Machine> --> Right click: Add Folder
  2. <value> --> Move machine(s)
group_vmf-1.png group_vmf-2.png group_vmf-3.png group_vmf-5.png group_vmf-6.png

VMware Player

This feature isn't available in this application.

VMware Workstation

  1. <My Computer> --> Right click: New Folder
  2. <value> --> Move machine(s)
group_vmw-1.png group_vmw-2.png

Mounting CD/DVD


  1. <Machine> --> Settings
  2. Storage --> <Interface> --> CD/DVD Drive: Icon --> Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file.../Host Drive --> Ok
  • Right click: 'CD icon' --> Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file.../Host Drive

  • Devices --> CD/DVD Devices --> Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file.../Host Drive
cd_vbox-2.png cd_vbox-3.png cd_vbox-4.png

VMware Fusion

  1. <Machine> --> Settings
  2. CD/DVD (IDE) --> Select option: Choose Disc or Disc Image
  • Right click: CD Icon --> Choose Disc or Disc Image
cd_vmf-2.png cd_vmf-3.png

VMware Player

  1. <Machine> --> Edit virtual machine settings
  2. Hardware --> CD/DVD (IDE) --> Choose physical drive or Use ISO image file
  1. Right click: CD Icon --> Settings
  2. Hardware --> CD/DVD (IDE) --> Choose physical drive or Use ISO image file
cd_vmp-1.png cd_vmp-3.png

VMware Workstation

  1. <Machine> --> Edit virtual machine settings
  2. Hardware --> CD/DVD (IDE) --> Choose physical drive or Use ISO image file
  1. Right click: CD Icon --> Settings
  2. Hardware --> CD/DVD (IDE) --> Choose physical drive or Use ISO image file
cd_vmw-1.png cd_vmw-2.png

Mounting USB Devices


  1. Plug in the USB device
  2. Devices --> USB Devices --> Enable '<device>' (right click: 'USB icon' --> Enable '<device>')
You can gain more control by going to: <Machine> --> Settings --> USB
usb_vbox-6.png usb_vbox-5.png usb_vbox-1.png

VMware Fusion

  1. Plug in the USB device
  2. Connect to ≶os> (Virtual Machine --> USB & Bluetooth --> Connect <device> OR click: USB icon --> Connect <device>)
You can gain more control by going to: <Machine> --> Settings --> USB & Bluetooth
usb_vmf-2.png usb_vmf-4.png usb_vmf-5.png usb_vmf-10.png usb_vmf-1.png

VMware Player

  1. Plug in the USB device
  2. Each USB device has its own icon. Hover the cursor over it to identity the device
  3. Right click: USB icon --> Connect (Disconnect from host)
You can gain more control by going to: <Machine> --> Edit virtual machine settings --> USB Controller
usb_vmp-2.png usb_vmp-4.png usb_vmp-1.png

VMware Workstation

  • Plug in the USB device ...OR

  • VM --> Removeable Devices --> <device> --> Connect (Disconnect from host)
  1. Each USB device has its own icon. Hover the cursor over it to identity the device
  2. Right click: USB icon --> Connect (Disconnect from host)
You can gain more control by going to: <Machine> --> Edit virtual machine settings --> USB Controller
usb_vmw-2.png usb_vmw-3.png usb_vmw-4.png usb_vmw-8.png usb_vmw-1.png

Remote Display


  1. <Machine> --> Settings
  2. Display --> Remote Display --> Enable: 'Enable Server' --> Ok
  3. Start VM
  4. Devices --> Enable Remote Display
You can now connect to the VNC service running on the host to the port listed in the settings. We recommend using TightVNC.
remote_vbox-display_vbox-1.png remote_vbox-display_vbox-5.png

VMware Fusion

  1. <Machine> --> Settings
  2. Advanced --> Enable: 'Remote display over VNC'
You can now connect to the VNC service running on the host to the port listed in the settings. We recommend using TightVNC.

VMware Player

This feature isn't available in this application.

VMware Workstation

  1. <Machine> --> Edit virtual machine settings
  2. Options --> VNC Conncetions --> Enable: 'Enable VNC connections'
You can now connect to the VNC service running on the host to the port listed in the settings. We recommend using TightVNC.

Shared Clipboard


The guest OS needs to have 'Guest Additions' installed (Devices --> Install Guest Additions --> Restart)
  1. <Machine> --> Settings
  2. General --> Advanced --> Shared Clipboard: 'Bidirectional --> Ok
  3. Copy text/image --> paste on the other OS
clipboard_vbox-3.png clipboard_vbox-1.png clipboard_vbox-2.png

VMware Fusion

The guest OS needs to have 'VM Tools' installed (Virtual Machine --> Install VM Tools --> Restart)
  • Copy text/image --> paste on the other OS

VMware Player

The guest OS needs to have 'VM Tools' installed (Player --> Manage --> Install VM Tools --> Restart)
  • Copy text/image --> paste on the other OS

VMware Workstation

The guest OS needs to have 'VM Tools' installed (VM --> Install VM Tools --> Restart)
  • Copy text/image --> paste on the other OS

Shared Folder


The guest OS needs to have 'Guest Additions' installed (Devices --> Install Guest Additions --> Restart)
  1. <Machine> --> Settings
  2. Shared Folders --> 'Plus Folder' --> Folder path: '≶value>' --> Set access --> Ok --> Ok
  3. Scan network for NetBIOS/Samba folder
  4. Hostname: 'VBOXSVR'
sharing_vbox-2.png sharing_vbox-3.png sharing_vbox-4.png

VMware Fusion

The guest OS needs to have 'VM Tools' installed (Virtual Machine --> Install VM Tools --> Restart)
  1. <Machine> --> Settings
  2. Sharing --> 'Shared Folders: On' --> 'Plus'
  3. Scan network for NetBIOS/Samba folder
sharing_vmf-1.png sharing_vmf-2.png

VMware Player

The guest OS needs to have 'VM Tools' installed (Player --> Manage --> Install VM Tools --> Restart)
  1. <Machine> --> Edit virtual machine settings
  2. Options --> Shared Folders --> Enable: 'Always enabled' --> Add --> Next
  3. Host path: '≶value>' --> Next
  4. Set access --> Finsih --> Ok
  5. Scan network for NetBIOS/Samba folder
  6. Hostname Share: 'vmware-host'
sharing_vmp-2.png sharing_vmp-3.png sharing_vmp-4.png sharing_vmp-5.png

VMware Workstation

The guest OS needs to have 'VM Tools' installed (VM --> Install VM Tools --> Restart)
  1. <Machine> --> Edit virtual machine settings
  2. Options --> Shared Folders --> Enable: 'Always enabled' --> Add --> Next
  3. Host path: '≶value>' --> Next
  4. Set access --> Finsih --> Ok
  5. Scan network for NetBIOS/Samba folder
  6. Hostname Share: 'vmware-host'
sharing_vmw-1.png sharing_vmw-2.png sharing_vmw-3.png sharing_vmw-4.png sharing_vmw-5.png sharing_vmw-6.png sharing_vmw-7.png sharing_vmw-8.png



  1. Machine --> Take Snapshot...
  2. <Fill in values>
  3. Wait
  4. When powering down the machine, you have the option to restore to last snapshot ...or
  5. Snapshot --> Right click: 'Restore Snapshot'
  6. Snapshot --> Right click: 'Delete Snapshot' --> Delete
snapshot_vbox-1.png snapshot_vbox-2.png snapshot_vbox-3.png snapshot_vbox-4.png snapshot_vbox-5.png snapshot_vbox-6.png snapshot_vbox-7.png

VMware Fusion

  1. Virtual Machine --> Snapshots --> Take Snapshot
  2. Wait
  3. <machine> --> Right click: 'Snapshots...'
  4. Take --> <Fill in values> --> Take
  5. Right click: 'Restore Snapshot'
  6. Right click: 'Delete Snapshot' --> Delete
snapshot_vmf-2.png snapshot_vmf-4.png snapshot_vmf-6.png snapshot_vmf-9.png snapshot_vmf-10.png snapshot_vmf-12.png snapshot_vmf-1.png

VMware Player

This feature isn't available in this application.

VMware Workstation

  1. VM --> Snapshots --> Take Snapshot...
  2. <Fill in values> --> Take Snapshot
  3. Wait (Don't forget the percent bar in the bottom left)
  4. <machine> --> Snapshot --> Snapshot Manager
  5. <Snapshot> --> Goto --> Yes --> Wait
  6. <Snapshot> --> Delete --> Yes --> Wait
snapshot_vmw-1.png snapshot_vmw-2.png snapshot_vmw-3.png snapshot_vmw-4.png snapshot_vmw-9.png snapshot_vmw-5.png snapshot_vmw-6.png snapshot_vmw-7.png

System Resources


  1. <Machine> --> Settings
  2. System --> Motherboard --> Base Memory (RAM)
  3. System --> Processor --> Processor(s) (CPU)
  4. Display --> Video --> Video Memory (GPU)
systemresources_vbox-1.png systemresources_vbox-2.png systemresources_vbox-3.png

VMware Fusion

  1. <Machine> --> Settings
  2. Processors & Memory --> Processors (CPU) --> Memory (RAM)

VMware Player

  1. <Machine> --> Edit virtual machine settings
  2. Hardwre --> Memory (RAM)
  3. Hardwre --> Processors (CPU)
systemresources_vmp-1.png systemresources_vmp-2.png

VMware Workstation

  1. <Machine> --> Edit virtual machine settings
  2. Hardwre --> Memory (RAM)
  3. Hardwre --> Processors (CPU)
systemresources_vmw-1.png systemresources_vmw-2.png