Virtual Machines
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Search Result: oscp (33 results)

This is the evil twin of JOY. Unlike JOY, this machine is designed to drive you crazy. Stephen Hawking once mentioned, "God plays dice and throws them into places where they cannot be seen."

The dice for the machine can all be found on the Internet. Like all other machines built by me, you should not torment yourself by brute force. But perhaps, JOY and TORMENT are two sides of the same coin of satisfaction? Can we really spark joy if we can't first be tormented to endure sufferance?

This machine guarantees to teach you some new ways of looking at enumeration and exploitation. Unlike all the other OSCP-like machines written by me, this machine will be mind-twisting and maybe mind-blowing. You may lose your mind while at it, but we will still nudge you to... try harder!

This is NOT an easy machine and you should not feel discouraged if you spend a few days headbanging on this machine. At least three competent pentesters I have asked to test this machine report days (thankfully not weeks) of head banging and nerve wrecking. Do this machine if you enjoy being humbled.

If you MUST have hints for this machine (even though they will probably not help you very much until you root the box!): Torment is (#1): what happens when you can't find your answer on Google, even though it's there, (#2): what happens when you plead for mercy, but do not succeed, (#3):

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