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"Liberamos nuestro CTF creado por y para la old school."

We released our CTF created by and for the old school.

"Nivel : medio-bajo

Tipo de CTF : lineal, una prueba te va llevando a la siguiente.

Idioma : EspaƱol

Plataforma : Raspberry pi 3

Tools para grabar la imagen : win32image o ApplePi-baker"

Level: medium-low

Type of CTF: linear, one test takes you to the next.

Spanish Language

Platform: Raspberry pi 3

Tools to burn the image: win32image or ApplePi-baker

"Descarga la imagen lista para grabar en una sd y montarla en tu raspberry pi, conectala a la corriente y a jugar!"

Download the image ready to burn to a SD and mount it on your raspberry pi, plug it into the stream and play!

"link de descarga :!qANi1STA!tjxTAhaAA1WyoZwp-tp5OWVz8251hJw57Y0kp0skiyc"

Download link :!qANi1STA!tjxTAhaAA1WyoZwp-tp5OWVz8251hJw57Y0kp0skiyc

"Espero que os guste.


I hope you like it.

