The 2018 BSidesTLV CTF competition brought together over 310 team burning the midnight oil to crack our challenged in a bout that lasted for two weeks!
But you can now enjoy the same pain and suffering, using this easy to use, condensed VM that now hosts all our challenges in an easy to digest format.
This VM now includes all challenges from the CTF:
- IAmBrute
- Shared Directory
- Redirect me
- Crypto2
- c1337Shell
- IH8emacs
- Into the rabbit hole
- PimpMyRide
- Wtflol
- Can you bypass the SOP?
- T.A.R.D.I.S.
- I'm Pickle Rick!
- Creative Agency
- hideinpILainsight
- DockingStation
- NoSocket
- PySandbox-Insane
- ContactUs
- GamingStore
In order to access the challenges you need to:
- run
ifconfig eth0
(in the VM)
- set
in hosts file with the VM IP address