single series all timeline
         _         _            _        _   _        _            _
        /\ \      /\ \         /\ \     /\_\/\_\ _   /\ \         /\ \
       /  \ \    /  \ \        \ \ \   / / / / //\_\/  \ \       /  \ \
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\/_/      \/_/    \_\/\/_________/       \/_/\/__________/\/_/    \_\/


1) Run the OVA in a VM and connect to the webserver 2) Have Fun!

Made by


Thanks to

morbidick einball sarah

I would probably have never finished', this project without you guys ;)',


For hinting me to Erik Österberg's Terminal.js


For providing fuel in the form of fudge and premium grilled goods

More information:


A friend wanted to get into some simple exploits. I suggested starting out with web security, she was all for it. But when I started browsing vulnhub and the likes I couldn't find anything like I had in mind. So I wrote my own.


This is a story based challenge written in a style heavily inspired by Neil Stephensons Snow Crash and William Gibsons Sprawl Trilogy. Each chapter is unlocked by solving the puzzle. From hardcoded clear text javascript password checks, SQL-injections and cracking hashes to a simulated terminal. You only need to start the VM, a webserver will come up and you can connect with your browser. In fact you never have to leave the browser.


Teach some basic well known techniques and attacks. Spark some curiosity, make the user look at the source code and try to figure out what's going on behind the scenes. The main goal is to give a nice welcoming intro to the scene and hopefully also teach something about ethics and responsibility.

Change log

v1.0.1 - 2016-01-15: v1.0.0 - 2015-10-27:
