100% works with VMware player6, workstation 10 & fusion 6.
May have issues with ViritualBox If this is the case, try this 'fix': http://download.vulnhub.com/kioptrix/kiop2014_fix.zip - Step by Step screenshots for Virtualbox 4.3 & VMware Workstation 9)
As usual, this vulnerable machine is targeted at the beginner. It's not meant for the seasoned pentester or security geek that's been at this sort of stuff for 10 years. Everyone needs a place to start and all I want to do is help in that regard.
Also, before powering on the VM I suggest you remove the network card and re-add it. For some oddball reason it doesn't get its IP (well I do kinda know why but don't want to give any details away). So just add the VM to your virtualization software, remove and then add a network card. Set it to bridge mode and you should be good to go.
This was created using ESX 5.0 and tested on Fusion, but shouldn't be much of a problem on other platforms.
Kioptrix VM 2014 download 825Megs
MD5 (kiop2014.tar.bz2) = 1f802308f7f9f52a7a0d973fbda22c0a
SHA1 (kiop2014.tar.bz2) = 116eb311b91b28731855575a9157043666230432
Waist line 32"
p.s.: Don't forget to read my disclaimer...